5 Top Date Ideas for Winter

Winter gets a bad press. The dark nights, bad weather and lack of motivation to do anything but sit on your sofa watching box sets. However, despite the obvious negatives, winter does have some advantages, not least of all when it comes to dating.

Cosy pub corners.

What is more romantic than a snug Chesterfield sofa next to an open fire? I challenge anyone to not enjoy the romance of red wine and fireside settings. Not only does an open fire give you a healthy glow – no facial needed – but, with the arctic winds roaring you stay cosy inside. Hello getting to know each other, Goodbye spending the majority of the night trawling packed summer evening pubs desperate for a seat outside.

Should you really luck out, there will be a pub quiz on the go and you can drink Shiraz by the fireplace and show off your knowledge of 70’s glam rock bands and the 1924 Paris Olympics.

Dancing on ice.

There is something fabulous about walking through a frosty park wrapped up in a warm coat and scarf. A winter walk is a delicious first date. Made even better should it be on route to a cosy pub (see above).

And for those of you feeling sporty – try al fresco ice skating. Normally I would advise against any dating activity which involved changing footwear, however with ice skating, I make an exception. Contrary to popular belief, it’s pretty hard to make a total t*t of yourself on the ice. The odd fall maybe … which, if one has one’s wits about them, could prove to be a very successful flirting technique. Most temporary ice skating rinks need to be booked in advance and work in hourly slots. Most also have a pop up bar attached selling mulled wine or some such equally tempting winter libation. No encouragement needed.

Double seats.

Likewise I would normally advice against going to the cinema on a date (and absolutely always on a first date). However, when it gets colder, catching a film or going to the theatre can be a real treat. If you really want to blow the budget and impress your date, spend a few extra quid to upgrade to a double seat in a posh cinema.

Food, glorious food!

Winter excels as a season of good food. You can eat what you want and nobody cares, or notices. Far from it, chowing down on comfort food is positively encouraged as a winter pastime. Summer is for salads, fruit and low fat dressings, winter is for hearty portions and pudding! Nothing says ‘sexy’ like a girl who knows how to enjoy her food and no winter date is complete without a good bit of grub. Order big, enjoy fully and don’t forget the crumble at the end.

Cobbled streets.

If you want to think outside the box, how about doing something unusual (and strangely romantic) like a ghost tour or a trip to the London Dungeons. I’m not quite sure why I associate Victorian London with winter, as I’m pretty sure they had summer then too, but work with me on this one – when it comes to interesting dates, I love the idea of getting spooked down an old cobbled streets, and there’s nothing like a protective arm over your shoulder during the walk.

So this winter, keep the box sets to a minimum, relegate the PJ’s to a Sunday night, and take advantage of those cold nights, cosy pubs and romantic winter activities. At the very least you’ll learn how to ice skate, and that’s got to be worth getting off the sofa for.