Monthsary Messages for Boyfriend & Husband

There are many instances when we try to celebrate the day where we have been proposed by someone or may have proposed to someone. You may have heard about Anniversary which is celebrated on completion of a year. However, you may have heard less about this Monthsary thing. Monthsary is celebrated on the completion of one month of a successful relationship. Some people may think it is cliché but if you care to look at this term deeply then you will find that it is very beneficial for a successful and healthy relationship. This will bring you closer to each other and thus will make your bonding stronger. Every time you will see that your boyfriend or husband may have done something for you to make you feel special and its time that you will also make some effort to make them feel special as well. You can start the day of your monthsary by sending Monthsary messages for boyfriend/husband. Here we’ve providing Best Happy Monthsary Messages for BoyfriendHappy Monthsary Messages Husband on True Love Relationship, 1st Monthsary Messages, 6th Month Marriage Anniversary Wishes for Him by Girlfriend & Wife and many more.

Happy Monthsary Messages for Boyfriend

1) Monthsary Message for Boyfriend Long Distance

There have been so many ups and downs
but you never left the side of me.
Love you to the core.
Happy 1st monthsary.

2) Happy Monthsary Messages For BF

I couldn’t resist the opportunity to tell you
how happy I am that we have completed
so many months of togetherness.
Happy 2nd monthsary.

3) Love Monthsary Message for Him

I just want you to know
that I will never get tired of loving you.
Happy 6th Monthsary dear.

4) Happy Monthsary Msg to My Love

You changed my life and taught me
what real love and care means.
You are the world to me now.
Happy 3rd monthsary to you.

5) Monthsary Love Lines for Him

I thought dreams don’t come true
but then I met you and fell in love with you.
Its been months since I have been this lucky enough.
Happy 1st Monthsary My Love

6) Monthsary Celebration Message

Like roses our love blooms
and there are no sorrows and glooms,
like river flow our love is endless
and lets celebrate our monthsary of togetherness.
Love you.

7) Monthsary Sweet Message about Love

Our bond of love has always strengthened
and grown manifolds since the day you loved me.
I cannot be more lucky to have found you.

8) Love Wishes for Husband

You make me smile when I cry;
you pick me up when I’m down,
you have to deal with me at my worst
and love me at my best.
Happy 4th Monthsary.

9) Deep Love Monthsary Message

Just like a seed grows into a tree
so has our love grown so deep and eternal
that no pleasures of world can outlive it.

10) Love Shown Message for Boyfriend

Every month I dream of this day
and when its there I have just few words
and lots of love to shower upon you just like you do
for the rest of the month.
Happy 5th monthsary.

11) Happy Monthsary Lines for Love Partner

The gleam of joy and pounds of happiness grows manifolds
and fills me with deep love to cherish our monthsary.
Happy monthsary my dear.

12) Hold Hand Message for Your Better Half

I’ll never let you go
and always hold your hand
in times of good and evil.
Happy 7th Monthsary

13) Monthsary Message and Sayings

Words fall short whenever I want to tell you
how special you are but all I can say is
my world is full of smiles whenever I think of us.

14) Sweet Monthsary Greeting Message

You are the wings to my dreams
and bundle of joy in times of sorrow.
Love you to the core and happy monthsary.

15) Happy Monthsary Quotes Wishes

So special is this day that I cant believe
its been months since we’ve been together.
Here’s to our monthsary.

16) Celebrate Monthsary Message

The time we’ve had together has been really amazing.
I can’t believe it has been another month.
Cheers to our love.
Lets celebrate this day together.

Happy Monthsary Messages for Husband

17) Celebrating Monthsary Wish for Sweetheart

We have been celebrating lot of things together,
pets, toys recipes etc but today is the day to celebrate us.
Happy monthsary.

18) Monthsary Cute Message for Boyfriend

You have been the best boyfriend since ever
and on our monthsary I would like to celebrate this
with full joy and festivity.

19) Monthsary Day Message in English

I crave to see a smile on your face
and crave to be in your arms, my favorite place.
I know what all you did for me always,
lets celebrate our monthsary for the coming days.

20) Special Monthsary Message for Hubby

Minutes turn into hours and hours turn into days and days into months.
And when I celebrate our monthsary today
I feel really special indeed just like
every minute of our togetherness made me feel.
Happy monthsary my beloved.

21) Lovable Monthsary Wishes For Love

Its every month’s this day
that keeps me charged up in my life.
Happy monthsary my love.

22) Beautiful Message For Boyfriend

Beautiful Monthsary Greetings For Boyfriend:
As we complete another month of unison,
lets embrace the moments we spent together
and God’s grace bestowed upon us.
Happy monthsary Darling.

23) Thanks Message For Monthsary

Thank you for making me feel this way.
And I love you for every thing that you did for me.
Happy monthsary Love.

24) Blessings For Husband on Monthsary

It is very important for me to express
how much special I feel when I am with you.
I wish I could do this in person with you
but anyways here’s to our monthsary.
God bless and I love you.

25) Monthsary Thoughts for Beloved

I always want to keep such precious memories
of today fresh in the pages of my mind
and want to celebrate this day with you every month.
Happy monthsary.

26) Happy Life Wishes on Monthsary

Happy monthsary and wish us both a happy life
and strong relationship together.
And more and more months to come
with fulfillment and harmony.
Happy monthsary.

27) Saying Happy Monthsary To BF

You have been the best BF ever,
both a boyfriend and best friend.
Cheers to life and cheers to our love.
Happy monthsary.

28) Thank You Message on Monthsary

Thank you for your love and commitment throughout.
You never made me feel low and always cheered me out.
Happy monthsary to us.

28) Romantic Message for Husband

If I could reach up and hold a star
for every time you’ve made me smile,
the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand.

29) True Relationship Message on Monthsary

Time passes so quickly that its been our 4th month together
and each and every moment of it has been really true
and special with both happy and unhappy moments.

30) Happy Monthsary to My Charm

Thanks for holding on to me
even in my best and worst days.
You are a charm and your love has always
made me a better person each day.
Happy monthsary.

31) Happy Monthsary to BF From GF

As long as I know You’ll always be my side
there won’t be any reason for me to cry.
Happy monthsary to you and me.

32) Wishes Monthsary Message for Life

Celebrating monthsary may not seem so important to you
but I would like to take this opportunity to let you know
your importance in my life
and how it has made me a better person
since the day you loved me. Happy monthsary.